Frequently asked questions

What is SecretCon?

SecretCon is an annual Minnesota conference where hackers & cyber security professionals meet to discuss security and privacy based topics. SecretCon brings a diverse group of hacker experts, researchers, and practitioners from the fields of information security, threat intelligence, and privacy to share their latest insights, strategies, and best practices. The twin city hacker conference covers topics such as cyber threat intelligence, data protection, privacy-preserving technologies, secure communications, and more, with the aim of fostering collaboration and advancing the state of the art emerging technology in these critical areas.

I have my SecretCon tickets, now what?
We have your ticket purchase on record. You may redeem and pickup your badge and/or pre-ordered merchandising at the registration desk during our event.
Are SecretCon tickets transferable?
Yes, with some conditions: You’ll need to contact us less than 3 weeks prior to the event to transfer the ticket. We may need to verify your information before confirming the ticket transfer. We may require you to prove you are the owner of the ticket via order information or original email. In addition may require onsite verification such as showing an ID at the door to grant entry. Each ticket is redeemed at registration during our event. We reserve the right to deny any requests for any reason.
Do you offer cancellations or refunds?
No, we have a strict no-refund policy, however we would be happy to help you find an eager student willing to attend on your behalf as a donation.
Our strict no-refund policy states, “Any and all payments made to SecretCon are not refundable for any reason, including, without limitation, failure to use credentials due to illness, change in attendance availability, acts of God, travel-related problems, acts of terrorism, government shutdowns of any kind, loss of employment and/or duplicate purchases.” unless our event insurance gets activated and contributes to reimbursement. We also reserve the right to revoke tickets and access to the event for any reason. So, basically behave and be respectful.
I accidentally sent a duplicate order or forgot I can't be charged tax, can you refund?
We will help you refund your order, however we get hit with a processing fee of 2.9%+30c, if it was our system’s fault, we’ll refund that. If the fault is on your side, we ask you pay this processing fee as our payment processor does not refund that to us.
When and where is SecretCon 3 (2025)?
SecretCon will be held June 19-20, 2025 - We will be having our third event at PAIKKA & Lake Monster Brewing at 550 Vandalia St St Paul, MN 55114
Why does SecretCon exist?
Hacker and privacy conferences exist for several reasons. First, they provide a platform for experts, researchers, and practitioners in these fields to share their latest findings, insights, and strategies with each other. This fosters collaboration and helps advance the state of the art in information security and privacy. Second, conferences enable attendees to network with peers, form new relationships, and build professional connections that can lead to future collaborations. Third, they help organizations stay current with the latest trends and best practices in information security and privacy, enabling them to better protect their assets and customers. Fourth, they provide an opportunity for attendees to receive training and education on specific topics, helping them improve their skills and knowledge. Finally, conferences help raise awareness of the importance of information security and privacy, highlighting the risks and challenges faced by organizations and individuals alike.
What is there to do at SecretCon?
Our event is a blank canvas. Beyond presentations, puzzles, and contests. Our conference format allows for the community of volunteers to create specialized areas called villages. These villages may offer displays, interesting talks, informal discussions, socializing, challenges, contests, and competitions. SecretCon may seem like it’s purely security and privacy, however the primary purpose of the con is to evolve as the community defines what SecretCon shifts into, such as emerging privacy related topics. Examples may include attendees sharing how they protect secrets at a healthcare organization or reveal IoT devices sharing too much information.
What are the speaker presentations like?
Presentations are very diverse, some examples include: healthcare privacy, corporate and network security, privacy, personal rights and freedoms, new technologies, modern exploit techniques, security philosophy, hardware hacking, forensics, reverse engineering, protocol analysis, cryptographic algorithms. The community can even go beyond the standard hacker themes with mushroom cultivation and dark skies. Expect a blank canvas and all-around security and privacy topics with added comedic ‘hacker’ motifs. Lastly, our event is flexible and for anyone, you never have to touch a computer, and can relax and socialize with the community.
How do I get in the Slack for SecretCon?
Nobody uses slack anymore, join us on discord.
How do I get in the Discord for SecretCon?
Glad you asked :) Join us at
I'm not a hacker or privacy advocate, am I allowed at SecretCon?
Everyone is welcome to SecretCon. SecretCon is a blank canvas shaped by the community. If you are reading this, YOU are this community! Looking forward to meeting you.
A hacker is anyone who is curious and creative and seeks to understand how things work. Ultimately, many people have different characterizations of what a ‘hacker’ is, you can express however and as whomever you wish to be.
Come learn with us, see interesting things, and participate!
*Anyone in good standing with SecretCon and/or the community-at-large may attend. The organizer has the right to deny access or remove anyone for any reason from the event.
What is the age limit?
SecretCon has no age limits. Adults are ultimately responsible to decide if this community is appropriate for their children. Feel free to contact us for further details in your decision process.
Do sponsors influence the event?
To guarantee the independent nature of the conference, SecretCon has always had the following sponsorship guidelines:
  • Sponsors cannot affect the agenda
  • Sponsorship will not guarantee (nor prevent) a presentation slot
  • Zero tolerance for presentations that focus on marketing or directly promoting a commercial product
SecretCon has NEVER offered attendee lists to sponsors. We value your privacy.
Where should I stay the night?
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding hotel options.
What about my privacy?
As a Privacy conference, naturally we value your privacy. Privacy is a core expectation for these conferences. For many of us we use handles instead of our real names. We honestly try our best to protect your information. We do not provide sponsors with attendee lists. However, We still want you to be informed and involved so we may email you occasionally about the event. We will not sell your information to third parties. That would be super weird anyway.
Photos and video may be taken at the event by authorized individuals wearing press badges and approved by SecretCon leadership.
Still Worried? We can figure something out. Contact us.
Is the event ADA-Compliant? I have a request.What about my privacy?
We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a Federal civil rights law designed to protect persons with disabilities by prohibiting discrimination in employment (Title I), ensuring equal access to services of state and local governments (Title II), and ensuring equal access to “places of public accommodations” (12 categories of private businesses and/or non-profit organizations) (Title III). ADA compliance is not only an issue for employers in hiring decisions, it’s also important to consider when planning conferences and meetings.As a Privacy conference, naturally we value your privacy. Privacy is a core expectation for these conferences. For many of us we use handles instead of our real names. We honestly try our best to protect your information. We do not provide sponsors with attendee lists. However, We still want you to be informed and involved so we may email you occasionally about the event. We will not sell your information to third parties. That would be super weird anyway.
If you have a special request, be it a mobility, visual, or hearing impairment, we would be happy to assist. Please contact us at least one month prior to the event to give us ample time to comply.Photos and video may be taken at the event by authorized individuals wearing press badges and approved by SecretCon leadership.