Alex Thines & Brad Ammerman

Alex Thines began his journey as a blue team analyst, he dove into the world of programming. As he sharpened his coding skills, he found not only an enhanced ability to hack but also a newfound love for programming itself. The synergy between hacking and coding intrigued him, urging him to merge the two. As a way for Alex to destress, he picked up flying FPV (First Person View) drones and quickly realized another potential use for his hobby.

Brad Ammerman stands at the forefront of security testing as the Senior Director at Prescient Security. He championed offensive security initiatives at ProCirular. Brad has cultivated an impressive cybersecurity repertoire of distinguished tenures at organizations such as Foresite, Optiv Security, Lockheed Martin, and the DIA.

You'll wish you went sooner!

We proudly present SecretCon, an entirely unparalleled conference for the state of Minnesota, built for our new digital reality. This conference is dedicated to the many specialties of our hacker, cybersecurity, and privacy community. We have taken it upon ourselves to construct a conference that not only embraces our past, but also looks to the future. Join us!