Mansoor Ahmad

Mansoor Ahmad is an offensive security professional who has always had a curiosity about how things worked. While in college, Mansoor studied computer information technology and worked as a photographer at a newspaper. A quiet kid growing up in a foreign country, Mansoor would always accompany his father on errands and observe how different people reacted to them around town, especially when they would get access to places deemed difficult to get for most people. This started an itch which Mansoor has been scratching since then, that has led to a career in cybersecurity. When he's not working, eating or sleeping, Mansoor likes to practice photography and taking naps.

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We proudly present SecretCon, an entirely unparalleled conference for the state of Minnesota, built for our new digital reality. This conference is dedicated to the many specialties of our hacker, cybersecurity, and privacy community. We have taken it upon ourselves to construct a conference that not only embraces our past, but also looks to the future. Join us!