Mark Milhouse (amne51ac) is a Marine Corps Veteran and ex-Amazon engineer with a broad technical background from investigating digital privacy and cybersecurity class action cases at Edelson PC to serving as Chief Technology Officer at 160 Driving Academy and Truckers Network. Mark has spoken previously at Hackers On Planet Earth, DerbyCon and TEDxIIT, and won the Tin Foil Hat competition at DEF CON last year as well as the Casino Heist at Cypher Con in Milwaukee this year. He is currently a Principal Software Architect, and in the market to adopt a dog!
We proudly present SecretCon, an entirely unparalleled conference for the state of Minnesota, built for our new digital reality. This conference is dedicated to the many specialties of our hacker, cybersecurity, and privacy community. We have taken it upon ourselves to construct a conference that not only embraces our past, but also looks to the future. Join us!