Mary T Frantz

Mary Frantz has over 25 years ofexperience in cyber security. She specializes in Cyber Incident ResponsePlanning, Compliance, IT Strategy, eDiscovery, and Forensics, and is acourt-vetted expert in cyber security, data breach, cloud-based deliverymodels, breach remediation, and forensics. Recently, she is the contract CISOfor companies specializing in Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) solutions inhealthcare.

She has led advanced ethicalhacking (red teams), security assessments, and managed multiple cyber incidentresponse investigations across the globe. Mary has also served as a plaintiff'stechnical expert in high-profile cases such as the Equifax, Yahoo, Marriott,and Facebook breaches and other cyber incidents.

Due to her experience in technologyand cyber security, including 15 years in executive leadership roles such asCIO, CTO, and CISO, she has built a reputation as a trusted agent and subjectmatter expert in her field.

Mary founded and led EnterpriseKnowledge Partners, LLC (EKP) in 2004. In 2023, EKP became part of CyberNarus(CN) and Mary expanded her role as the CISO over two other subdivisionsfocusing on CMMC compliance, FDA cybersecurity validations for medical devices,and AI. In 2023, CN and EKP joined forces and Mary is now the senior partnerand CISO of the combined organizations.

Mary is not only a seasonedprofessional but also an active contributor to the field of cyber security. Maryis a guest lecturer at multiple law schools, an adjunct professor in cybersecurity at three major universities and is an instructor for beginning andadvanced cyber security certification courses.

She contributes to various workinggroups and shares knowledge on discovered malware, mobile devicevulnerabilities, and more. She is an active mentor in STEM for secondaryeducation, she sponsors multiple scholarship programs, and volunteers hertalents to law enforcement for the prevention of global hate and sex crimes.

As a keynote speaker, author, andindustry expert, she is a passionate advocate for women entrepreneurs in STEM,STEM Education, a mentor and voluntee in business and technology, and holdsboard positions in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, an active leaderin the state based Cyber Security Summit, STEM Partnership, mentor / boardadvisor to the Academy of Science (U.S. State Science and Engineering Fairs),and is currently President /Chair of her home district’s Board of Education.

Mary holds a quadruple major ( Math/Statistics, a B.A. in Foreign Language (Spanish and French), a B.S. inInternational Relations, and a B.S. in Information Systems/Operation Management)from Northern Illinois University. She also holds an MBA with emphasis in internationalbusiness and finance from the University of Chicago, as well as a master’sdegree in computer science engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology(Georgia Tech.)


Position: CEO of EKP, a CyberNarusCompany.

Managing Partner, EnterpriseKnowledge Partners, LLC


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